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"+df(jjx);}else{var inc=1;if (exts[row] % 3 ==0){inc=3;} to=df(hx)+"


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"; hx="te"+row; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=tempo;if (gust

windspeed) { wo=windspeed+"-"+gust+"mph"; } else { wo=windspeed+"mph"; }var hold=windwords(winddir); var holdb=new Array(); holdb=hold.split(","); var windout='

chicago, BELIZE Weather Forecast - Worldwide Weather - (2)

'+''+wo;hx="wi"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=windout;bc=gett2mcolour(roundit(feelslike,0)); var feelslikeo='


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"; preco+='


";hx="pr"+row;document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=preco;var cl=getcloudcol(cloudcover); hx="cl"+row; var cloudcovero='


"; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=cloudcovero;var sn=getriskcol(snowrisk); hx="sn"+row; snowrisk='


"; document.getElementById(hx).innerHTML=snowrisk;var st=getriskcol(stormrisk); hx="st"+row; stormrisk='


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chicago, BELIZE Weather Forecast - Worldwide Weather - (3)

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chicago, BELIZE Weather Forecast - Worldwide Weather - (2024)


What is the weather like to travel to Belize? ›

Belize has a comfortable subtropical climate that is suitable for travel year-round. The average yearly temperature is about 80 degrees F with humidity hovering about 85%. The coolest winter temperatures can reach the low 60's. During the hottest parts of summer, it can reach the mid 90's on the mainland.

What is the sea forecast for Belize? ›

Light E winds with a slight chop. Small very short period waves. Winds: E 8 to 12 knots. Seas: E 3 feet at 6 seconds.

What is the most accurate weather predictor? ›

Powered by proprietary GRAF technology (Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecasting), The Weather Company is The World's Most Accurate Forecaster1 and a trusted weather partner for people and businesses everywhere.

What is the best website for the weather forecast UK? ›

Real Weather is the leader in providing honest and accurate weather forecasts across a huge variety of sectors. From free weather information, to providing data and bespoke weather for farming, energy, transport, education, councils and more.

When not to go to Belize? ›

You'll probably want to pass on visiting during June and July, when humidity mists the tropical landscape and temps reach triple digits. Expect showers from June to mid-November and strong winds.

What is the rainiest month in Belize? ›

September is typically the wettest month in Belize, with the country receiving around 10 inches of rain. The average temperature during this month is around 83°F (28°C), with lows around 75°F (24°C).

Does Belize get a lot of storms? ›

On average, they happen about 7 times a year. However, hurricanes often do not make landfall in Belize, but turn northward beforehand. The remnants then cause gusts of wind and rain on land. The most affected regions are Belize and Corozal.

What is hurricane season in Belize? ›

Hurricane season in Belize typically spans from July through October. During these months, the region is more susceptible to heavy rainfall and strong winds that can sometimes progress to hurricane status.

What is the sea temperature in Belize today? ›

(Belize) Today's San Pedro South Reef Pass sea temperature is 85 °F.

Which weather site is most accurate? ›

Top 15 Weather Websites with Accurate Forecast
  • BBC Weather.
  • Met Office.
  • Weather Spark.
  • AccuWeather.
  • TimeandDate.
  • Windy.
  • WeatherBug.
Mar 27, 2024

How far in advance is weather forecasting most accurate? ›

The Short Answer:

A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time and a five-day forecast can accurately predict the weather approximately 90 percent of the time. However, a 10-day—or longer—forecast is only right about half the time.

Is there a better weather app than AccuWeather? ›

What are some of the best weather apps? The Weather Channel and AccuWeather consistently rank at or near the top of the app charts for weather. Other weather apps include WeatherBug, Weather Underground, Fox Weather, and Carrot Weather.

What is the best international weather website? ›

Most Visited Weather Websites
1weather.comScience and Education > Weather
2accuweather.comScience and Education > Weather and Education > Weather
4gismeteo.ruScience and Education > Weather
46 more rows

How accurate is the AccuWeather forecast? ›

For both 24-hour high- and low-temperature forecasts, AccuWeather was the most accurate provider with the lowest average of absolute error and the greater percentage of forecast accuracy within 3 degrees of actual temperature observations.

What is the most reputable weather app? ›

  • AccuWeather. AccuWeather has comprehensive planning features that use weather data to help you manage allergies, safely drive, or boost productivity. ...
  • The Weather Channel. The Weather Channel's app is slick and capable. ...
  • Weather Underground. ...
  • What The Forecast. ...
  • Yahoo Weather. ...
  • Carrot Weather. ...
  • WeatherBug. ...
  • FlowX.
Jun 17, 2024

What is the best month to go to Belize? ›

The best time for sightseeing in Belize is from February to May and November to December, as these months can give you the best weather to enjoy the diverse ecosystems across the country.

Is it safe to vacation in Belize right now? ›

Belize - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution. Exercise increased caution in Belize due to crime. Some areas have increased risk. Please read the entire Travel Advisory.

What months are hurricane season in Belize? ›

Hurricane season in Belize typically spans from July through October. During these months, the region is more susceptible to heavy rainfall and strong winds that can sometimes progress to hurricane status.

How bad is the rainy season in Belize? ›

The rainy season in Belize is from June to December, when you can expect rain on 9 - 11 days per month.


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 6423

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.