Window Cleaning Logo Ideas - Create Your Logo For Free (2024)

"),Ln(this.referenceElement.ownerDocument,t,n),o.replaceChild(o.adoptNode(this.documentElement),o.documentElement),o.close(),A},fn.prototype.createElementClone=function(A){if(Cr(A,2),zB(A))return this.createCanvasClone(A);if(MB(A))return this.createVideoClone(A);if(SB(A))return this.createStyleClone(A);var e=A.cloneNode(!1);return $B(e)&&($B(A)&&A.currentSrc&&A.currentSrc!==A.src&&(e.src=A.currentSrc,e.srcset=""),"lazy"===e.loading&&(e.loading="eager")),TB(e)?this.createCustomElementClone(e):e},fn.prototype.createCustomElementClone=function(A){var e=document.createElement("html2canvascustomelement");return Kn(,e),e},fn.prototype.createStyleClone=function(A){try{var e=A.sheet;if(e&&e.cssRules){var t=[],0).reduce(function(A,e){return e&&"string"==typeof e.cssText?A+e.cssText:A},""),r=A.cloneNode(!1);return r.textContent=t,r}}catch(A){if(this.context.logger.error("Unable to access cssRules property",A),"SecurityError"! 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"+Dn:" "+vn;return YB(A)?A.className.baseValue+=t:A.className+=t,a}}},fn.destroy=function(A){return!!A.parentNode&&(A.parentNode.removeChild(A),!0)},fn);function fn(A,e,t){if(this.context=A,this.options=t,this.scrolledElements=[],this.referenceElement=e,this.counters=new Bn,this.quoteDepth=0,!e.ownerDocument)throw new Error("Cloned element does not have an owner document");this.documentElement=this.cloneNode(e.ownerDocument.documentElement,!1)}(he=gn=gn||{})[he.BEFORE=0]="BEFORE",he[he.AFTER=1]="AFTER";function Hn(e){return new Promise(function(A){!e.complete&&e.src?(e.onload=A,e.onerror=A):A()})}var pn=function(A,e){var t=A.createElement("iframe");return t.className="html2canvas-container","hidden","fixed","-10000px","0px","0",t.width=e.width.toString(),t.height=e.height.toString(),t.scrolling="no",t.setAttribute(hn,"true"),A.body.appendChild(t),t},En=function(A){return Promise.all([],0).map(Hn))},In=function(B){return new Promise(function(e,A){var t=B.contentWindow;if(!t)return A("No window assigned for iframe");var r=t.document;t.onload=B.onload=function(){t.onload=B.onload=null;var A=setInterval(function(){0"),e},Ln=function(A,e,t){A&&A.defaultView&&(e!==A.defaultView.pageXOffset||t!==A.defaultView.pageYOffset)&&A.defaultView.scrollTo(e,t)},bn=function(A){var e=A[0],t=A[1],A=A[2];e.scrollLeft=t,e.scrollTop=A},Dn="___html2canvas___pseudoelement_before",vn="___html2canvas___pseudoelement_after",xn='{\n content: "" !important;\n display: none !important;\n}',Mn=function(A){Sn(A,"."+Dn+":before"+xn+"\n ."+vn+":after"+xn)},Sn=function(A,e){var t=A.ownerDocument;t&&((t=t.createElement("style")).textContent=e,A.appendChild(t))},Tn=(Gn.getOrigin=function(A){var e=Gn._link;return e?(e.href=A,e.href=e.href,e.protocol+e.hostname+e.port):"about:blank"},Gn.isSameOrigin=function(A){return Gn.getOrigin(A)===Gn._origin},Gn.setContext=function(A){Gn._link=A.document.createElement("a"),Gn._origin=Gn.getOrigin(A.location.href)},Gn._origin="about:blank",Gn);function Gn(){}var On=(Vn.prototype.addImage=function(A){var e=Promise.resolve();return this.has(A)||(Yn(A)||Pn(A))&&(this._cache[A]=this.loadImage(A)).catch(function(){}),e},Vn.prototype.match=function(A){return this._cache[A]},Vn.prototype.loadImage=function(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function(){var e,r,t,B,n=this;return H(this,function(A){switch(A.label){case 0:return(e=Tn.isSameOrigin(s),r=!Xn(s)&&!0===this._options.useCORS&&Xr.SUPPORT_CORS_IMAGES&&!e,t=!Xn(s)&&!e&&!Yn(s)&&"string"==typeof this._options.proxy&&Xr.SUPPORT_CORS_XHR&&!r,e||!1!==this._options.allowTaint||Xn(s)||Yn(s)||t||r)?(B=s,t?[4,this.proxy(B)]:[3,2]):[2];case 1:B=A.sent(),A.label=2;case 2:return this.context.logger.debug("Added image "+s.substring(0,256)),[4,new Promise(function(A,e){var t=new Image;t.onload=function(){return A(t)},t.onerror=e,(Jn(B)||r)&&(t.crossOrigin="anonymous"),t.src=B,!0===t.complete&&setTimeout(function(){return A(t)},500),0t.width+C?0:Math.max(0,n-C),Math.max(0,s-l),As.TOP_RIGHT):new Zn(t.left+t.width-C,,this.bottomRightPaddingBox=0t.width+F+A?0:n-F+A,s-(l+h),As.TOP_RIGHT):new Zn(t.left+t.width-(C+d),,this.bottomRightContentBox=0A.element.container.styles.zIndex.order?(s=e,!1):0=A.element.container.styles.zIndex.order?(o=e+1,!1):0 4) { scale = 1; } const completeLogo = node[0]; const justLogo = node.find('.generated-svg').children()[0]; html2canvas(completeLogo, {scale: scale, backgroundColor: null, logging: false, allowTaint: true, removeContainer: true}).then(function (canvas) { form.find('input[name=l]').val(canvas.toDataURL("image/png")); html2canvas(completeLogo, {scale: 8, backgroundColor: null, logging: false, allowTaint: true, removeContainer: true}).then(function (canvas) { form.find('input[name=h]').val(canvas.toDataURL("image/png")); html2canvas(justLogo, {scale: 4, backgroundColor: null, logging: false, allowTaint: true, removeContainer: true}).then(function (canvas) { form.find('input[name=just-logo]').val(canvas.toDataURL("image/png")); const formData = form.serialize(); $.ajax({ url: form.attr('action'), method: form.attr('method'), data: formData, success: function(response) { Swal.close(); if (isLoggedIn) { appendLogo(); return; } $('#register-modal').modal('show'); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { Swal.close(); } }); }); }); }) } function saveAiLogo(node, form) { form.find('input[name=ai_logo]').val(node.src); form.find('input[name=is_ai]').val('1'); } (function (global) { 'use strict'; var util = newUtil(); var inliner = newInliner(); var fontFaces = newFontFaces(); var images = newImages(); // Default impl options var defaultOptions = { // Default is to fail on error, no placeholder imagePlaceholder: undefined, // Default cache bust is false, it will use the cache cacheBust: false }; var domtoimage = { toSvg: toSvg, toPng: toPng, toJpeg: toJpeg, toBlob: toBlob, toPixelData: toPixelData, impl: { fontFaces: fontFaces, images: images, util: util, inliner: inliner, options: {} } }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = domtoimage; else global.domtoimage = domtoimage; /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options * @param {Function} options.filter - Should return true if passed node should be included in the output * (excluding node means excluding it's children as well). Not called on the root node. * @param {String} options.bgcolor - color for the background, any valid CSS color value. * @param {Number} options.width - width to be applied to node before rendering. * @param {Number} options.height - height to be applied to node before rendering. * @param {Object} - an object whose properties to be copied to node's style before rendering. * @param {Number} options.quality - a Number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality (applicable to JPEG only), defaults to 1.0. * @param {String} options.imagePlaceholder - dataURL to use as a placeholder for failed images, default behaviour is to fail fast on images we can't fetch * @param {Boolean} options.cacheBust - set to true to cache bust by appending the time to the request url * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a SVG image data URL * */ function toSvg(node, options) { options = options || {}; copyOptions(options); return Promise.resolve(node) .then(function (node) { return cloneNode(node, options.filter, true); }) .then(embedFonts) .then(inlineImages) .then(applyOptions) .then(function (clone) { return makeSvgDataUri(clone, options.width || util.width(node), options.height || util.height(node) ); }); function applyOptions(clone) { if (options.bgcolor) = options.bgcolor; if (options.width) = options.width + 'px'; if (options.height) = options.height + 'px'; if ( Object.keys( (property) {[property] =[property]; }); return clone; } } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a Uint8Array containing RGBA pixel data. * */ function toPixelData(node, options) { return draw(node, options || {}) .then(function (canvas) { return canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData( 0, 0, util.width(node), util.height(node) ).data; }); } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a PNG image data URL * */ function toPng(node, options) { return draw(node, options || {}) .then(function (canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL(); }); } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a JPEG image data URL * */ function toJpeg(node, options) { options = options || {}; return draw(node, options) .then(function (canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', options.quality || 1.0); }); } /** * @param {Node} node - The DOM Node object to render * @param {Object} options - Rendering options, @see {@link toSvg} * @return {Promise} - A promise that is fulfilled with a PNG image blob * */ function toBlob(node, options) { return draw(node, options || {}) .then(util.canvasToBlob); } function copyOptions(options) { // Copy options to impl options for use in impl if (typeof (options.imagePlaceholder) === 'undefined') { domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder = defaultOptions.imagePlaceholder; } else { domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder = options.imagePlaceholder; } if (typeof (options.cacheBust) === 'undefined') { domtoimage.impl.options.cacheBust = defaultOptions.cacheBust; } else { domtoimage.impl.options.cacheBust = options.cacheBust; } } function draw(domNode, options) { return toSvg(domNode, options) .then(util.makeImage) .then(util.delay(100)) .then(function (image) { var canvas = newCanvas(domNode); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(options.scale, options.scale); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); return canvas; }); function newCanvas(domNode) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = (options.width || util.width(domNode)) * options.scale; canvas.height = (options.height || util.height(domNode)) * options.scale; if (options.bgcolor) { var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = options.bgcolor; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } return canvas; } } function cloneNode(node, filter, root) { if (!root && filter && !filter(node)) return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve(node) .then(makeNodeCopy) .then(function (clone) { return cloneChildren(node, clone, filter); }) .then(function (clone) { return processClone(node, clone); }); function makeNodeCopy(node) { if (node instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) return util.makeImage(node.toDataURL()); return node.cloneNode(false); } function cloneChildren(original, clone, filter) { var children = original.childNodes; if (children.length === 0) return Promise.resolve(clone); return cloneChildrenInOrder(clone, util.asArray(children), filter) .then(function () { return clone; }); function cloneChildrenInOrder(parent, children, filter) { var done = Promise.resolve(); children.forEach(function (child) { done = done .then(function () { return cloneNode(child, filter); }) .then(function (childClone) { if (childClone) parent.appendChild(childClone); }); }); return done; } } function processClone(original, clone) { if (!(clone instanceof Element)) return clone; return Promise.resolve() .then(cloneStyle) .then(clonePseudoElements) .then(copyUserInput) .then(fixSvg) .then(function () { return clone; }); function cloneStyle() { copyStyle(window.getComputedStyle(original),; function copyStyle(source, target) { if (source.cssText) target.cssText = source.cssText; else copyProperties(source, target); function copyProperties(source, target) { util.asArray(source).forEach(function (name) { target.setProperty( name, source.getPropertyValue(name), source.getPropertyPriority(name) ); }); } } } function clonePseudoElements() { [':before', ':after'].forEach(function (element) { clonePseudoElement(element); }); function clonePseudoElement(element) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(original, element); var content = style.getPropertyValue('content'); if (content === '' || content === 'none') return; var className = util.uid(); clone.className = clone.className + ' ' + className; var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.appendChild(formatPseudoElementStyle(className, element, style)); clone.appendChild(styleElement); function formatPseudoElementStyle(className, element, style) { var selector = '.' + className + ':' + element; var cssText = style.cssText ? formatCssText(style) : formatCssProperties(style); return document.createTextNode(selector + '{' + cssText + '}'); function formatCssText(style) { var content = style.getPropertyValue('content'); return style.cssText + ' content: ' + content + ';'; } function formatCssProperties(style) { return util.asArray(style) .map(formatProperty) .join('; ') + ';'; function formatProperty(name) { return name + ': ' + style.getPropertyValue(name) + (style.getPropertyPriority(name) ? ' !important' : ''); } } } } } function copyUserInput() { if (original instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) clone.innerHTML = original.value; if (original instanceof HTMLInputElement) clone.setAttribute("value", original.value); } function fixSvg() { if (!(clone instanceof SVGElement)) return; clone.setAttribute('xmlns', ''); if (!(clone instanceof SVGRectElement)) return; ['width', 'height'].forEach(function (attribute) { var value = clone.getAttribute(attribute); if (!value) return;, value); }); } } } function embedFonts(node) { return fontFaces.resolveAll() .then(function (cssText) { var styleNode = document.createElement('style'); node.appendChild(styleNode); styleNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssText)); return node; }); } function inlineImages(node) { return images.inlineAll(node) .then(function () { return node; }); } function makeSvgDataUri(node, width, height) { return Promise.resolve(node) .then(function (node) { node.setAttribute('xmlns', ''); return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node); }) .then(util.escapeXhtml) .then(function (xhtml) { return '' + xhtml + ''; }) .then(function (foreignObject) { return ''; }) .then(function (svg) { return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,' + svg; }); } function newUtil() { return { escape: escape, parseExtension: parseExtension, mimeType: mimeType, dataAsUrl: dataAsUrl, isDataUrl: isDataUrl, canvasToBlob: canvasToBlob, resolveUrl: resolveUrl, getAndEncode: getAndEncode, uid: uid(), delay: delay, asArray: asArray, escapeXhtml: escapeXhtml, makeImage: makeImage, width: width, height: height }; function mimes() { /* * Only WOFF and EOT mime types for fonts are 'real' * see */ var WOFF = 'application/font-woff'; var JPEG = 'image/jpeg'; return { 'woff': WOFF, 'woff2': WOFF, 'ttf': 'application/font-truetype', 'eot': 'application/', 'png': 'image/png', 'jpg': JPEG, 'jpeg': JPEG, 'gif': 'image/gif', 'tiff': 'image/tiff', 'svg': 'image/svg+xml' }; } function parseExtension(url) { var match = /\.([^\.\/]*?)$/g.exec(url); if (match) return match[1]; else return ''; } function mimeType(url) { var extension = parseExtension(url).toLowerCase(); return mimes()[extension] || ''; } function isDataUrl(url) { return^(data:)/) !== -1; } function toBlob(canvas) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var binaryString = window.atob(canvas.toDataURL().split(',')[1]); var length = binaryString.length; var binaryArray = new Uint8Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) binaryArray[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i); resolve(new Blob([binaryArray], { type: 'image/png' })); }); } function canvasToBlob(canvas) { if (canvas.toBlob) return new Promise(function (resolve) { canvas.toBlob(resolve); }); return toBlob(canvas); } function resolveUrl(url, baseUrl) { var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); var base = doc.createElement('base'); doc.head.appendChild(base); var a = doc.createElement('a'); doc.body.appendChild(a); base.href = baseUrl; a.href = url; return a.href; } function uid() { var index = 0; return function () { return 'u' + fourRandomChars() + index++; function fourRandomChars() { /* see */ return ('0000' + (Math.random() * Math.pow(36, 4) << 0).toString(36)).slice(-4); } }; } function makeImage(uri) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { resolve(image); }; image.onerror = reject; image.src = uri; }); } function getAndEncode(url) { var TIMEOUT = 30000; if (domtoimage.impl.options.cacheBust) { // Cache bypass so we dont have CORS issues with cached images // Source: url += ((/\?/).test(url) ? "&" : "?") + (new Date()).getTime(); } return new Promise(function (resolve) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = done; request.ontimeout = timeout; request.responseType = 'blob'; request.timeout = TIMEOUT;'GET', url, true); request.send(); var placeholder; if (domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder) { var split = domtoimage.impl.options.imagePlaceholder.split(/,/); if (split && split[1]) { placeholder = split[1]; } } function done() { if (request.readyState !== 4) return; if (request.status !== 200) { if (placeholder) { resolve(placeholder); } else { fail('cannot fetch resource: ' + url + ', status: ' + request.status); } return; } var encoder = new FileReader(); encoder.onloadend = function () { var content = encoder.result.split(/,/)[1]; resolve(content); }; encoder.readAsDataURL(request.response); } function timeout() { if (placeholder) { resolve(placeholder); } else { fail('timeout of ' + TIMEOUT + 'ms occured while fetching resource: ' + url); } } function fail(message) { console.error(message); resolve(''); } }); } function dataAsUrl(content, type) { return 'data:' + type + ';base64,' + content; } function escape(string) { return string.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); } function delay(ms) { return function (arg) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { resolve(arg); }, ms); }); }; } function asArray(arrayLike) { var array = []; var length = arrayLike.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) array.push(arrayLike[i]); return array; } function escapeXhtml(string) { return string.replace(/#/g, '%23').replace(/\n/g, '%0A'); } function width(node) { var leftBorder = px(node, 'border-left-width'); var rightBorder = px(node, 'border-right-width'); return node.scrollWidth + leftBorder + rightBorder; } function height(node) { var topBorder = px(node, 'border-top-width'); var bottomBorder = px(node, 'border-bottom-width'); return node.scrollHeight + topBorder + bottomBorder; } function px(node, styleProperty) { var value = window.getComputedStyle(node).getPropertyValue(styleProperty); return parseFloat(value.replace('px', '')); } } function newInliner() { var URL_REGEX = /url\(['"]?([^'"]+?)['"]?\)/g; return { inlineAll: inlineAll, shouldProcess: shouldProcess, impl: { readUrls: readUrls, inline: inline } }; function shouldProcess(string) { return !== -1; } function readUrls(string) { var result = []; var match; while ((match = URL_REGEX.exec(string)) !== null) { result.push(match[1]); } return result.filter(function (url) { return !util.isDataUrl(url); }); } function inline(string, url, baseUrl, get) { return Promise.resolve(url) .then(function (url) { return baseUrl ? util.resolveUrl(url, baseUrl) : url; }) .then(get || util.getAndEncode) .then(function (data) { return util.dataAsUrl(data, util.mimeType(url)); }) .then(function (dataUrl) { return string.replace(urlAsRegex(url), '$1' + dataUrl + '$3'); }); function urlAsRegex(url) { return new RegExp('(url\\([\'"]?)(' + util.escape(url) + ')([\'"]?\\))', 'g'); } } function inlineAll(string, baseUrl, get) { if (nothingToInline()) return Promise.resolve(string); return Promise.resolve(string) .then(readUrls) .then(function (urls) { var done = Promise.resolve(string); urls.forEach(function (url) { done = done.then(function (string) { return inline(string, url, baseUrl, get); }); }); return done; }); function nothingToInline() { return !shouldProcess(string); } } } function newFontFaces() { return { resolveAll: resolveAll, impl: { readAll: readAll } }; function resolveAll() { return readAll(document) .then(function (webFonts) { return Promise.all( (webFont) { return webFont.resolve(); }) ); }) .then(function (cssStrings) { return cssStrings.join('\n'); }); } function readAll() { return Promise.resolve(util.asArray(document.styleSheets)) .then(getCssRules) .then(selectWebFontRules) .then(function (rules) { return; }); function selectWebFontRules(cssRules) { return cssRules .filter(function (rule) { return rule.type === CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE; }) .filter(function (rule) { return inliner.shouldProcess('src')); }); } function getCssRules(styleSheets) { var cssRules = []; styleSheets.forEach(function (sheet) { try { util.asArray(sheet.cssRules || []).forEach(cssRules.push.bind(cssRules)); } catch (e) { console.log('Error while reading CSS rules from ' + sheet.href, e.toString()); } }); return cssRules; } function newWebFont(webFontRule) { return { resolve: function resolve() { var baseUrl = (webFontRule.parentStyleSheet || {}).href; return inliner.inlineAll(webFontRule.cssText, baseUrl); }, src: function () { return'src'); } }; } } } function newImages() { return { inlineAll: inlineAll, impl: { newImage: newImage } }; function newImage(element) { return { inline: inline }; function inline(get) { if (util.isDataUrl(element.src)) return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.resolve(element.src) .then(get || util.getAndEncode) .then(function (data) { return util.dataAsUrl(data, util.mimeType(element.src)); }) .then(function (dataUrl) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { element.onload = resolve; element.onerror = reject; element.src = dataUrl; }); }); } } function inlineAll(node) { if (!(node instanceof Element)) return Promise.resolve(node); return inlineBackground(node) .then(function () { if (node instanceof HTMLImageElement) return newImage(node).inline(); else return Promise.all( util.asArray(node.childNodes).map(function (child) { return inlineAll(child); }) ); }); function inlineBackground(node) { var background ='background'); if (!background) return Promise.resolve(node); return inliner.inlineAll(background) .then(function (inlined) { 'background', inlined,'background') ); }) .then(function () { return node; }); } } } })(this);

Frequently asked questions

Get quick answers about creating a window cleaning logo on Wizlogo platform.

What elements should I use in my window cleaning logo?

Consider using window illustrations, water droplets, squeegees, or ladders to create a visually appealing logo.

Why is a well-designed window cleaning logo important for my brand?

A well-designed window cleaning logo helps to establish trust and professionalism, attracting more customers to your business.

How to pick colors for my window cleaning logo?

Choose colors that invoke cleanliness and freshness, such as blues, greens, or whites.

What are the best font styles for an engaging window cleaning logo?

Opt for clear, legible, and professional fonts that reflect the reliability and attention to detail of your window cleaning services.

How long does it take to create a logo on Wizlogo?

With Wizlogo, it takes just a few minutes to design and customize your window cleaning logo.

Should I trademark my window cleaning logo?

Trademarking your window cleaning logo can help protect your brand identity and prevent others from using a similar logo. It is advisable to consult a legal expert for guidance.

Which file formats are provided for a window cleaning logo on Wizlogo?

Wizlogo offers a variety of file formats, including JPEG, PNG, SVG, and AI, ensuring compatibility across different platforms and uses.

Do you provide logo redesign services for window cleaning businesses on Wizlogo?

Absolutely! While Wizlogo specializes in quick logo creation, you can also consider redesigning your window cleaning logo to refresh your brand image.

We’re here to make you happy

Every logo you make comes up with an idea. We will make everything to help you create it. No matter what, we are always ready to help.

Window Cleaning Logo Ideas - Create Your Logo For Free (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.