Nanachi (2024)


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Nanachi (2)While editing this page, please elect to use gender neutral pronouns.

Although some translations have opted to refer to Nanachi as female, within the original Japanese text of Made in Abyss there is no definitive mention to Nanachi's gender.

Hence, the official translator of Made in Abyss's manga, Jake Jung, has elected to use gender neutral pronouns in reference to Nanachi.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I'm Nanachi. I'm what you Delvers would call a Narehate.


Nanachi (ナナチ) is a Narehate; a person who survived the 6th Layer's Curse and was left deformed as a result, but, unlike most other Narehate, still retained a sound mind.[1] Possessing vast knowledge of The Abyss (its ecosystem, vegetation, and even the use of the medicines), Nanachi is currently a member of Hello Abyss, on a journey to the bottom of The Abyss. Their gender is ambiguous.[2]


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 History
    • 3.1 Dreadful Experimentation Flashback Arc
    • 3.2 Poison and Soul Liberation Arc
    • 3.3 Ido Front Arc
    • 3.4 Iruburu Arc
    • 3.5 Capital of the Unreturned
    • 3.6 The Curse Fleet Arc
  • 4 Abilities
    • 4.1 Observation Skills
    • 4.2 Curse Detection
    • 4.3 Extensive Knowledge
    • 4.4 Artistic Talent
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 References
  • 8 Site Navigation


Nanachi's appearance is very rabbit-like, save for a long sturdy tail, horizontally slanted pupils, carnivorous teeth and human-like hair; which is straight and cream-white in a short bobbed style, the sides of the bangs going down to the shoulders. In contrast, medium tan fur covers the rest of Nanachi, with light tan covering the insides of their ears and belly. They have a blush-like spot on each cheek; which has two thick whiskers protruding sideways. Other animal traits include a cat-like mouth with little fangs, yellow eyes with horizontal oval shaped pupils (similar to a goat's) and erect bunny ears. Their fingers are rather stubby though surprisingly agile, as they are very artistically skilled.[3]

Nanachi's attire consists solely of gray-green, baggy, drop-crotch harem pants, with dark-pink hip-bags on both sides, red pant legs, and a pink flap that is supposed to cover their usually naked torso.[3]

Nanachi also wears a large, oddly-shaped headpiece the same colors as their pants. Attached to the sides of it are two curved horns that stick out horizontally. Hanging from the back there is a large layer of what appears to be shingles, covered by a layer of cream-colored animal pelts, and then another smaller layer of shingles. Nanachi's side bangs seem to be much longer when the helmet is on, going down to their hips, due to hair extensions of the headpiece. They are tied at the end with metal rings.[3]

After Nanachi's stay at Belaf's House, their helmet was redesigned, looking more reminiscent of delving gear now, with the horns curving more upwards and less sharp-looking ends. Its glass-like structures were replaced as one structure. Their helmet also received more feathers and cream-colored animal pelts, which are split into two sections, hanging form the back. The metal rings of the helmet's extensions are now of a much simpler round design and located higher in the extensions, having two feather-like ends hanging from them.[4]

They typically walk upright, but sometimes will run on all fours when trying to move quickly.[5]

As a human, Nanachi had yellow eyes and short, messy cream-white hair. They wore a light green one piece or possibly just a very large shirt and over it a light brown coat with black sleeves, which was too big for them.[6]


Most of the time, Nanachi is cool and reserved, keeping their distance emotionally and physically. Their attitude often borders on sarcastic or even cynical.[7] However, behind this mask, Nanachi hides a kind and gentle soul, capable of deep compassion and selfless devotion. They are also quite bashful when complimented, seen in their reaction to being called "fluffy". They also express discomfort at being petted, especially by Reg.[8]

As human, Nanachi seemed to be more timid, due to their prior life.[6]


Spoiler warning: The following section contains spoilers. Read with caution.

Dreadful Experimentation Flashback Arc

Nanachi was born in the far north region of Sereny, lost their family and home at a young age, and was taken to The Abyss by the infamous White Whistle Delver, Bondrewd, along with many other children.[9]

Bondrewd was experimenting with ways to negate The Curse of the Abyss, using orphan children as his test subjects, as they wouldn't be missed. While in The Abyss, Nanachi met Mitty, another child taken by Bondrewd, and the two became close friends. Eventually, the number of children in their group decreased, until Mitty was selected by Bondrewd. Worried for Mitty, Nanachi followed, finding her trapped in one of Bondrewd's Curse Chambers.[10]

Walking in at that moment, Bondrewd decided to use the two as test subjects together, because of their strong relationship. Nanachi was then forced into the other chamber, both being lowered into the 6th Layer and then quickly brought back up. The device forcibly transferred the effects of The Curse of the Abyss into Mitty's chamber. Mitty's resilience allowed Nanachi to survive the experience, but both were left permanently disfigured as Narehate.[11]

Nanachi, in their new Narehate form, continued to work for Bondrewd at Ido Front, helping him to create Cartridges.[12] Unable to bear the torturous experimentation that the now immortal Mitty was subjected to any longer, Nanachi escaped Ido Front with Mitty. The two traveled up to the 4th Layer, where Nanachi found a spot away from The Abyss's central vertical shaft, where the Force Field was not present, becoming Nanachi's Hideout. Nanachi lived there, peacefully, with Mitty for some time. Delvers would sometimes pass through the area, with Nanachi watching from a safe distance. Occasionally, when a Delver was wounded beyond help, Nanachi would take them in and experiment on them, hoping to find a way to kill Mitty. The bodies of these Delvers are buried in a graveyard behind their hut.[13]

Poison and Soul Liberation Arc

During Riko and Reg's descent to the 4th Layer, Nanachi observes them.[14] After the battle against the Orb Piercer, they reveal themself to Reg, due to seeing him crying over Riko's body. Because the two's relationship remind Nanachi of their relationship with Mitty, Nanachi decides to aid them.[15]

During their stay, Nanachi explains to Reg what The Curse of the Abyss is and how it works. Then, after asking Reg to listen to them no matter what, they make him fight against the Orb Piercer again and, thanks to the help of Nanachi via a communicator, is able to ward it off with a shot from his Incinerator. Nanachi is surprised by the power of it and similarity to Bondrewd's Artifact, Sparagmos, the only thing that had been able to permanently injure Mitty. Seeing the opportunity, Nanachi asks Reg to kill Mitty, releasing her from more suffering, to which he reluctantly agrees.[16][17]

After Mitty's soul was released, Nanachi burst into tears, mourning the loss of their friend, while being held close by Reg who cried grief-stricken tears of his own. Nanachi decides to join Riko and Reg on their journey to the bottom of the Abyss.[18][19]

Ido Front Arc

After preparations, the group embarks from Nanachi's hideout, reaching the field of Eternal Fortunes. There, they encounter one of Bondrewd's Umbra Hands. A brief exchange follows, in which the Umbra Hand tells them that Bondrewd is expecting them. When the three of them reach Bondrewd's base, Ido Front; a girl, Prushka, approaches them and asks if they are her father's guests.[20][21]

A few moments later Bondrewd arrives, greets the trio and informs them that entrance into the 6th Layer is only possible with a White Whistle. He invites them to stay a night and Prushka gives them a tour of the base.[22]

During the night, Nanachi seeks out Bondrewd to question him about Prushka. After a short exchange Bondrewd asks Nanachi to become his assistant again. Nanachi agrees under the condition to let Riko and Reg advance safely into the 6th Layer, however Bondrewd can't agree to this due to Reg being an existence he wants to study.[23]

Nanachi finds Reg as the Umbra Hands experiment on him and have already cut off his arm. Moments later Prushka and Riko join the scene and Prushka orders the Umbra Hands to stop treating her father's guests that way, only to be informed by them that this area is off limits for her. The trio, together with Prushka, escapes outside the Ido Front and tries to escape in a boat. Only Prushka stays back, because she wants to convince Bondrewd to return Reg's arm.[24]

Riko is visibly distraught and cries about the suffering put upon Reg by the Umbra Hands. Reg, lying injured, mentions he can smell the burnt parts of Netherworld Stew. Riko extrapolates from this and other signs (including her mother's notes) that they are located near a Stingerhead nest; the trio uses this to create a trap for Bondrewd.[25]

Shortly afterwards, Reg, Nanachi and Riko are confronted by Bondrewd and his Umbra Hands again, however they have been led into a trap by the trio and are attacked by a Stingerhead.[26] Only Bondrewd survives the attack with his Sparagmos, but is taken care of by a clever strategy of Nanachi and Reg resulting in him being shot by an arrow containing Amaranthine-Deceptor larvae fired by Riko, exposed to the Curse, as well crushed by Reg with a boulder. Moments later Prushka and an Umbra Hand arrive. Prushka bursts out in tears over the state Bondrewd is in. The Umbra Hand quickly takes Bondrewd's whistle, as well as removes helmet and replaces it with his own, leading him to turn into Bondrewd in the process.[27]

Bondrewd makes the relieved Prushka pass out and reveals to the trio that all Umbra Hands are copies of him he can transfer his consciousness into.[28] After a quick beatdown he leaves them and invites them back to the Ido Front whenever they are ready. This leaves Nanachi in a traumatized state, but they quickly recover after Riko notes that Bondrewd maybe uses the Artifact, Zoaholic, to transfer parts of his consciousness. Together with Reg, they both make a strategy in order to destroy it.[29]

As they sneak back into Ido Front Nanachi and Riko make their way into what Nanachi calls the processing room. They explain to Riko that Bondrewd's cartridges are made from living humans removing anything but the organs needed to sustain life. Moments later Bondrewd shows up and invites Nanachi again to join him, due to being interested in their "blessing".[30]

He is quickly interrupted by Reg, who has absorbed the power plant's reserves and thus went out of control. A fight between Reg and Bondrewd breaks out. Only due to Nanachi's interruption, due to not wanting to see Reg in such a state and begging him to stop with a hug, the fight comes to a momentarily halt; with Reg turning back to his usual self.[31]

During the second stage of the fight between Reg and Bondrewd, Nanachi acts as Reg's support viva communicator. While they fight, Bondrewd reveals that he turned Prushka into a cartridge.[32]

After Bondrewd's defeat, resulting him to be cut in half, Nanachi approaches his upper half and speaks to him for the final time. They tell him that they are going to destroy Zoaholic and any reminding equipment, so his dream will end there. Bondrewd tells them he doesn't mind, as for is new dream is that Nanachi will have a fulfilling adventure and passes away.[33]

Nanachi makes a harness so Riko can wear Prushka's stone, which came out of her cartridge, around her neck.[34] As the group gets ready to traverse into the 6th Layer, it is shown that Bondrewd's consciousness still lives on within his Umbra Hands as they come to see Riko's group off.[35]

Iruburu Arc

The team uses the Altar of the Absolute Boundary, which connects the 5th and 6th layers. On their way down, they see various creatures.[36] After leaving the elevator, they decide to make a camp for the night. Nanachi awakens and notices something invaded the camp after they had fallen asleep and stole Prushka's stone. With the help of Meinya, they track it down to a village.[37]

Upon entering the village, a Narehate greets them and introduces themself as Majikaja.[38] Majikaja leads them to jeweler, who is working Prushka's stone to make it into its finalized form. While they are waiting, Majikaja explains a few things about The Village of Iruburu and brings them to a market.[39]

Due to an accident, Meinya is injured by a very curious Narehate and the group witnesses the village's ritual to balance value. In the ritual, the Narehate at fault for Meinya being hurt gets stripped off their belongings and even parts of their skin.[40]

They manage to stay at a hotel, but shortly afterwards, an impact causes a shockwave to travel through the village. Majikaja explains it was caused by Faputa; a Narehate praised as embodiment of value. Reg wants to investigate, while Nanachi and Riko stay behind.[41]

Later on, Nanachi decides to go and try to buy water and some fruit. Majikaja tags along with Nanachi and reveals in a conversation about value between them that one of The Three Sages of the village, Belaf, is in possession of the supposed-to-be-dead Mitty. Nanachi asks Majikaja to take them to the Sage.[42][43]

Later on, Riko visits the Sage since she has been informed to find Nanachi with him. Riko finds Nanachi and Mitty with Belaf, and he tells her the Mitty he has is a clone created from the original brought by Bondrewd to the village, whom he wanted to use as a nutrition source. Belaf couldn't afford to buy Mitty directly from Bondrewd, so he sacrificed half of his body to have the village replicate her. In a short flashback, it is shown how Nanachi is moved to tears out of happiness to be reunited with Mitty, and how they are shocked moments later as they watch how Belaf extends his feelers to drink from Mitty.[44]

Belaf tells Riko that Nanachi offered themself up to him in exchange for ownership of Mitty so that Belaf couldn't drink from her anymore, and that he is willing to sell Nanachi back to Riko if she can give him something of similar value.[45]

After Nanachi wakes up, from the trembles of the ongoing battle between Faputa and the villagers, and asks Belaf what is happening, he informs them that their dream is now not a dream anymore.[46]

With Iruburu's barrier starting to disperse, to the shock of Nanachi, the Narehate in the rubble of Belaf's house appear to be slowly fading away.[47]

Belaf informs the still confused Nanachi that he has bestowed his memories of the past to them, due to having to take his leave now. For him, his memories represent his value. So in a sense, he transfers his value to Nanachi because he likes the relationship they have with Mitty.[48]

The conversation is loudly interrupted by the roars from the ongoing battle between Faputa and the villagers. Belaf tells Nanachi Faputa has returned and will not stop her rampage until the village is completely destroyed. He also lets them know he releases them, and they may go wherever they want now.[49]

As Nanachi is about to take their leave with Mitty, Belaf points Nanachi in the direction where the barrier started to disappear. If Mitty should be brought beyond, she will cease to exist. This is because every being that was created in the village can only exist in it, and will stop existing if taken outside it.[50]

He promises if Nanachi should choose to remain, he will do anything in his power to protect Mitty and them. Nanachi is torn, due to the happiness they feel for having gotten a second chance to see Mitty, but decides their blessing wasn't given to them by Mitty just to remain in a dream. This time, Nanachi chooses to set Mitty free with their own hands and starts making the way to the end of the barrier.[51]

Belaf as well, starts heading for the barrier. As Nanachi gets closer to the barrier, they reminisce about all the new things they learned and with, teary eyes, tells Mitty they will definitely meet again. After that, Mitty fades away completely.[52]

As Nanachi is close to crying, the Narehate from Belaf's house hand them their head piece back and fade away. As Nanachi turns their gaze forward, they see Belaf as he fades more and more.[53]

After Belaf and Nanachi arrive at the scene of the battle, a short exchange between Nanachi and Faputa follows in which Nanachi also asks Riko to leave it to them to deal with Faputa, and Belaf advances towards Faputa. Faputa notes that the smell of her mother is strong on Belaf and decides to kill him first.[54]

With that Faputa is even more conflicted after receiving Belaf's feelings and memories, Nanachi instructs the villagers to take Riko and escape underground, due to the village barrier being broken, while they will try to wake up Reg. As Nanachi makes their way to Reg they get a glimpse of Wazukyan and theorize he might have hoped for a scenario in which Faputa had given a cradle to Reg to be used on Riko to create a mobile village with Riko as base.[55]

When a Hermit Rat is snatched up by an unknown avian creature, Nanachi realizes with the village barrier gone creatures have made it inside the village; with Turbinid-Dragon making its way inside.[56]

As the creatures invade the village, Nanachi is shocked by the amount that make their way into it.[57]

Nanachi is seen watching the battle between Faputa and the creatures, but must have slipped away at one point as they are later seen with Riko's group escaping from the battle scene and The trio apologizes to each other since they all think they made huge mistakes.[58]

Later on after they found Wazukyan and talk to him, Nanachi interjects and questions Wazukyan what ultimately his goal was. He tells them that they wanted to become something more than human as they felt this was needed with steady build-up. Thus, they find themselves at the logical conclusion with Faputa seeking to find her own path to move forward.[59]

After Wazukyan faded away, Nanachi questions to themself how far Wazukyan may have been able to see into the future. Their thoughts are interrupted by sounds in the distance and Majikaja and the other villagers inform them that it is Faputa, calling to them for the first time.[60]

The group ultimately decides to move onward following Faputa's roars.[61]

When the group finds Vueko under the effects of the Curse and Pakkoyan vanishes while saving Vueko, Nanachi quickly approaches Vueko, takes her back to the others, and the group plans to make their way back to Faputa with having sent Reg ahead beforehand already.[62]

Nanachi is also in the group when the village starts to vanish.[63]

After the village vanished, and the group took taken refuge in cave-like ruins, Nanachi asks Riko if she is doing alright which Riko affirms while holding the doll she had made for Maaa. Even though they have all disintegrated, she will never forget the villagers for saving them to which Nanachi agrees they will remember, too.[64]

Capital of the Unreturned

The trio of Reg, Nanachi and Riko make their way further into the depths of the 6th Layer. As they continue onwards, Reg wonders about Faputa's current whereabouts and hopes she is alright. Nanachi, while continuing their path, points out Faputa had been born in the 6th Layer and even managed to stand up to the creatures that attacked the village.[65]

Upon seeing a field of Eternal Fortunes the group is reminded of the Amaranthine-Deceptors which ultimately leads into Nanachi pointing out that they could encounter the other two White Whistle Delvers besides Lyza sooner or later. As their conversation shifts onto Faputa again, Nanachi notices that Faputa is following them. Riko calls out to her and asks her if she would like to join them for dinner.[66]

Faputa slowly approaches them, climbs onto Reg's head and warps his cape around her. After a brief exchange, Riko asks Faputa if she can understand Lyza's White Whistle as she had shown to be able to communicate with Prushka, too. [67]

As Riko holds up the whistle to Faputa, Faputa suddenly rises up in shock. Riko, surprised by that, asks her whats wrong and Faputa seems surprised by what the Whistle is trying to communicate. She then tells them the name of the Whistle is Doni and relays their message of someone waiting at the Pivotal Ring. Riko asks if it could be her mother but Doni clarifies it is not Lyza but someone related to Reg before stating they won't say more on the matter and going silent.[68]

After concluding the Pivotal Ring must be the ring of light Ozen had mentioned, Riko praises Faputa which ultimately leads into her being interested in Faputa's anatomy and Faputa allowing her to sniff her rear and Riko expressing how it smells like the sun and something left out to dry.[69]

The group continues onward, collects materials, and also tries to make sense of the Lyza note Moogie had given to Riko during the village incident. Afterwards, Reg and Faputa are tasked with trying to hunt a creature, the Sicklehorn. They manage to get a leg of the creature and make a stew with it. Faputa is at first skeptical of the dish but happily eats it after having a first taste.Riko asks if the food is good and Faputa happily smiles telling her she is not sure yet and wants another bowl.[70]

The Curse Fleet Arc

While the group is asleep during their travels, Reg wakes up Riko to tell her something. Reg tells Riko about the name tags he witnessed falling down and how it most likely relates to something going on in Orth. As Nanachi awakes too, they state it most likely has to do with the time difference to the surface and hence why so many tags fell at once and explain again how the time flow is different in the lower layers. Reg notes he hopes the others in the upper layers are alright and Riko gives the rest of the group a motivating speech that most likely White Whistles and ranks close to White Whistle level are aware of the ongoings and will do something about it.[71]

Nanachi praises Riko for her leadership skills and the group begins to travel further into the 6th Layer. During their further travel, Faputa questions Nanachi about the Curse itself and Nanachi gives Faputa explanations to it. Then, suddenly Meinya reacts to something and looks for it. As the group follows Meinya they come upon the corpse of a Black Whistle Delver. [72]

Reg initially panics but Nanachi quickly informs him that the Delver is already dead. As the group wonders about his cause of death, and which group he could have belonged to, Nanachi searches him for useful common Artifacts Delvers often carry and they collect an all-purpose lock-pick, Gentle Knock, and an air dumpling, Mermaid Burp from the corpse.[73]

As the group continues their travel, they come upon a herd of Emperorshells and Nanachi, amazed by it, recites lyrics of a folk song based on the White Whistles they used to read to Mitty. As Nanachi gets sentimental, Faputa reassures them in their bond to Mitty.[74]

Riko's group travels further into the 6th Layer with Reg now having one of the Artifacts they recovered from Cravagli's corpse attached to his cut-off arm. Nanachi notes it to be Gentle Knock and Artifact one can control with one's mind. After a short exchange between the group of how Reg's arm in Riko's possession can be used to remotely touch Nanachi, notices that the Force Field has calmed down greatly in the area they are approaching since there appears to be no small creatures at all ahead.[75]

As such, they conclude somebody might have set up a trap ahead which excites Riko of the possibility of someone besides them being out there.[76]

As the group tries to trigger a potential trap by throwing stones in its possible general placement, Nanachi arrives at the conclusion that it would be easier for Reg to just check it out as his ridicules toughness and stamina most likely would keep him safe. As Reg tries to set off a trap, it is triggered and causes the release of a gas that smells like boar excrement and is used for tracking by marking the target; Ibeho Smell.[77]

A short exchange follows leading Faputa to notice of two presences stacked on top of each other approaching. Shortly after, Nishagora and Tepaste emerge from a section. In a brief moment of all characters taking note of each other, Nishagora notices Riko's whistle and gets enraged by assuming Riko's group must be underlings of The Priestess.[78]

Tepaste tries to disarm the situation by noting she has no idea who these children are but by Riko stating she is Lyza's daughter Nishagora becomes angry again as she knows Lyza's daughter was stillborn. Only with further explanation, and mention of the Curse-Warding Box she calms down, begins to note names of people she is reminded of by Riko's circ*mstances, before becoming lost in thought.[79]

After becoming active again, she decides to take Riko's group to her boss if they want to follow her and Tepaste. Upon the reveal her boss is a White Whistle Delver, Riko immediately wants to tag along and the rest of the group follows. Before they start following Nishagora, Nanachi thinks of what possibly led to the reaction Nishagora had after seeing Riko's white whistle. After some thinking, involving how all revealed White Whistles apart from Riko are relatively known in shape to an extent, only Riko's whistle has an origin of taking its form that Nanachi assumes only Riko's group, and possibly Bondrewd by peering into Nanachi's vision, knows about.[80]

As such, Nanachi theorizes they are possibly looking for a White Whistle with an unknown shape and name.As the group travels, Riko and Co. theorize about the Shrine Maiden as it is something mentioned in Orth's fairy tales and in Hariyomari's Song. During their further travel, Nishagora also asks them if they believe in souls to which Nanachi states they want to believe in the existence of souls. Faputa however flat out confirms the existence of souls and states even layered creatures like Nishagora and Tepaste have them.[81]

Soon after, the group arrives at the outpost of Hail Hex in the 6th Layer.As they enter it, they are greeted by a member of Hail Hex who welcomes them. Inside the outpost, Nanachi marvels at the amount of equipment and shortly afterwards they are addressed by the boss of Hail Hex who is cooking food in a big pot. As the conversation progresses this boss tells them that the goal of Hail Hex is to reach the deepest depths of the Abyss and asks what Riko's goal is.[82]

As Riko counts in her mind the many goals she and her group still has she says there's quite a lot. After hearing that, the boss of Hail Hex introduces the Curse Fleet Delver Troupe, Hail Hex, and afterwards herself as Captain of it, Srajo. She praises Riko and shows recognition as White Whistle. However, she also notes that they will have to but Riko through her paces first.[83]

Srajo ends her story about having to deal with Bondrewd as they passed through and compliments the team for coming out without being canned by him, Nanachi points out that this fight might be the reason why Bondrewd was lacking on fighting bodies when they arrived. Srajo presents the team the spiky place in which the testing will take place and reveals the testing is about whether they're the Shrine Maiden's scattered bait or not.[84]

Srajo explains they win by bringing Nishagora down into the ground, independent of how many people it takes them, and if they win they'll get to exchange information. Reg volunteers himself alone but Riko and Prushka will accompany him with a blow of the whistle while Nanachi assists in predicting her moves. As they get into position, Srajo signals the start of the battle and the rest of the team stand as spectators.[85]

While Reg is taken for a bath, Riko and Nanachi ask the members of Hail Hex about their items used for bathing, like Hard Scrub and Crumple Pot.[86]

As Srajo introduces the members of Hail Hex, "Combatant" Yataramar, "Charger" Nishagora, "Snipers" Sherumi and Menae, prisoner Tepaste, and "Store-House" Frapam, Riko takes the opportunity and asks what a Juusou is. Srajo for the sake of brevity states that Juusou are "those born as Narehate" among "those born within the abyss", Riko is astonished as she has never heard of this but Srajo points out that this information is withheld among only a small portion of individuals, even including White Whistles, since the disposing of Narehate with their humanity intact is part of the "disgrace of delver history" as she puts it.[87]

Srajo in turn, asks the members of Team Riko to introduce themselves. Riko is the only one to introduce herself.[88] Srajo then shares her goal of finding the rest of the Hariyomari Collection and Nanachi introduces the rest of the team excluding Faputa's origins.[89] After Reg is taken for assistance, Nanachi overhears Yataramar whispering to Srajo about a "Girl-type" so they feel compelled to reveal their suspicions that Reg might've been one. Srajo infers from Bondrewd's usage of the Sparagmos and sightings of this Girl-type around Ido Front that Reg also possesses this "light". Riko cannot hide her surprise and Srajo is satisfied with that.[90]

The team share a meal with Hail Hex after Reg returns.[91] Both teams prepare to set out on a temporary joint expedition until they can find a place to base in the 7th Layer. The team talk about what Menae might've meant by what he said to Reg before arriving at the entrance to the 7th Layer.[92]

Srajo offers to share parts of the Hariyomari Collection in advance due to the unfamiliar dangers ahead. She also offers the name Hello Abyss, Links of the Netherworld, for Riko's team before finally heading out.[93]

Riko's team investigate a phenomenon in the 7th Layer, a sizzling substance at extremely low temperatures, which attracts Srajo's attention, making her guess what their roles are in the group.[94] Riko asks about what "souls" are, to which Srajo points out that souls do not exist outside the Abyss and are not what one normally knows as souls but instead are "signals" which take on many roles in the Abyss.[95] Srajo thinks the purpose of the soul's existence is as a "pre-processing" given that they hold a lot of information and Riko suspects that the soul is what's behind the Birthday-Death Disease as does Srajo, saying that its true form is the "Breath" described in the original scripture.[96]

Nanachi inquires about resurrection, with Mitty in mind, but Srajo is doubtful whether such a thing is possible. Riko encourages Nanachi not to lose hope, citing all the inexplicable phenomena that they've encountered, revealing to Srajo that Faputa is immune to The Curse.[97] As both groups move forward, Tepaste tries to ask Nanachi about Cravagli's possessions but is interrupted by Nishagora, Nanachi gathers that she may be asking about the "Mythographer".[98] After that, they are stopped by their senses being negated and are suddenly attacked by a creature, Nanachi moves in to protect an attack on Sherumi and Menae and Reg extends his arm in an attempt to save Nanachi.[99]


Observation Skills

Nanachi has demonstrated advanced tracking and stalking skills. When Reg and Riko first entered the 4th Layer of The Abyss, although Reg could tell that Nanachi was nearby, he was unable to pinpoint their location.[14] They were capable of tracking Reg and Riko throughout their journey in the 4th Layer, continuing to remain hidden, until they voluntarily revealed themself upon seeing Reg scream, when he thought that Riko had died.[100]

Curse Detection

On top of top-notch tracking and stalking skills, since becoming a Narehate, Nanachi has been able to see the flow of The Force Field: a mysterious force behind the ailments that human beings suffer, upon attempting to ascend from The Abyss. Thus, they are capable of mitigating its effects.[101]

Extensive Knowledge

Aside from the skills granted by their Narehate form, Nanachi has been shown to be deeply knowledgeable about the flora and fauna within the 4th and 5th layers of The Abyss. They are capable of determining what is edible, as well as if something has any medicinal properties.[102] Their time spent in Ido Front has also lead to them knowing how to perform some complex surgeries. Using this knowledge, Nanachi has tended to myriads of maladies that Delvers may suffer from, such as being able to splint broken arms, suture open wounds, and even synthesizing an antidote for Orb Piercer venom.[103][104] Many of the curative methods and medicines they use are unknown even to Delvers, who are often thought of to be the most knowledgeable of The Abyss.

Artistic Talent

Nanachi (3)

Nanachi is also shown to be artistically talented, having demonstrated excellent ability in drawing. They have drawn pictures of themself, Mitty, Reg, and Riko; a representation of how the Curse works for Reg; and accurate depictions of the things they required Reg to fetch in order to aid them in healing Riko's arm.[105][106]


  • (To Reg, mockingly) "Riko! Don't leave me!"
  • (To Reg) "Nnaaa~~ I'm just a fluffy stuffed doll and I've come to console you two."
  • (To Reg) "That's just the way it is. There's no way to stop their longing."


  • Their gender and sex have never been explicitly stated within the series itself. The only gender referents used by Nanachi are the pronouns that they use to refer to themself. When talking about themself, Nanachi frequently uses the pronoun "oira" (おいら), and sometimes "ore" (おれ), the former being more casual. The frequent use of "oira" (おいら) is evocative of a person with a rural background, a "country bumpkin". Until Edo period, both "ore" (おれ) and "oira" (おいら) were unisex. Now those have a masculine connotation, as they are primarily used by male speakers in modern Japanese.[107] The creator of Made in Abyss, Akihito Tsukushi, commented on Nanachi's sex on Twitter, stating: "the sex of Nanachi is unknown. Let's imagine:)." The official English translator of Made in Abyss has also chosen to use gender neutral pronouns.
Nanachi (4)
  • Volumes will sometimes include detailed descriptions of the creatures and relics that are not published in the regular chapter releases. Nanachi will sometimes show up on these pages to give insight on the subject. These small bits are labeled "Pointers from Nanachi!".[108]
  • Nanachi has an "irresistible fragrance", due to wanting to have a pleasant smell and Mitty's blessing granting it to them.[109] In particular, the base of their tail smells really good. They are also really fluffy.[110] This is an interesting parallel between their former human self, who was smelly and repulsive to others.[6]
  • According to the perfume released with the Blu-ray of the third movie, the base of Nanachi's ears smell caramellic; similar to cotton candy.[111]
  • When signing their name, they always draw a picture of their face with the characters for "Nanachi" underneath.[105]
  • In the online fan meeting, called Cave Raiders Guild Rally, Akihito Tsukushi stated Nanachi's height, including ears, to be 1.70 meters.[112] After thinking about it again, he tweeted Nanachi's height to be actually about 1.50 meters, including ears, and about 1.30 meters without the ears.[113][114]
  • Nanachi inhaled a substance sort of like a sleeping medicine in Belaf's House which made them drowsy.[115]
  • The book that Nanachi used to read to Mitty contains a folk song apparently based on the White Whistles: "With time the boulders leave a trail becoming a hail of burning steel turning the ice-clad trees into clouds. Extending their necks through the skies the colossal turtles gather together to gaze at the amber sky."[116]

  • Nanachi makes a brief cameo on Pop Team Epic's episode 2 when they appear on one of Popuko and Pipimi's "Ridiculous Fortunes." It says "Good Luck, Nanachi is cute!"
Nanachi (5)
  • After settling in the 4th Layer, Nanachi gifts Mitty with a plush doll of the bird that they had heard while being transported to the Ido Front. In actuality, this bird does not exist in the world of Made in Abyss.[117]
  • Nanachi calls her 'Vueroeruko' due to inhaling Belaf's Memories.[118]
  • As Belaf had lost most of his senses, the signpost on Nanachi's fishing rod-like tool had a smell to it in order to guide him. This tool that was given to Nanachi together with their clothes is intricately made up of relics.[119]
  • According to the author, the horns featured on Nanachi's first helmet are based on Gundlander, the titular hero of the Gundlander series from the Gundam franchise[120]


  1. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 023, Page 11
  2. Tweet
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Made in Abyss Anime: Made in Abyss Episode 10
  4. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Volume 09
  5. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 035, Page 8
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Made in Abyss Anime: Made in Abyss Episode 13
  7. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 041, Pages 12-13
  8. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 025, Page 9
  9. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 023, Pages 2-3
  10. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 023, Pages 5-7
  11. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 023, Pages 8-11
  12. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 034, Pages 8-9
  13. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 023, Pages 13-15
  14. 14.0 14.1 Made in Abyss Anime: Made in Abyss Episode 09
  15. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 020, Page 1
  16. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 020, Pages 16-20
  17. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 024, Page 6
  18. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 024, Pages 14-15
  19. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 026, Page 5
  20. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 027
  21. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 028, Page 15
  22. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 029, Pages 4-7
  23. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 030, Pages 16-20
  24. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 031, Pages 4-11
  25. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 031, Pages 12,13,17
  26. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 031, Page 19
  27. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 032, Pages 1-23
  28. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 032, Page 25
  29. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 033, Pages 17-23
  30. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 034, Pages 1-15
  31. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 035
  32. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 036
  33. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 038, Pages 4-7
  34. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 038, Page 13
  35. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 038, Page 15
  36. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 039, Pages 1-17
  37. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 039, Pages 18-44
  38. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 040, Page 11
  39. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 040, Pages 15-18
  40. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 041, Pages 1-14
  41. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 041, Pages 18-22
  42. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 041, Page 25
  43. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 042, Pages 10-12
  44. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 045, Pages 14-21
  45. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 045, Pages 22-25
  46. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 053, Page 28
  47. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Page 1
  48. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 3-4
  49. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 4-5
  50. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 6-7
  51. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 8-13
  52. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 14-17
  53. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 054, Pages 18-21
  54. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 056, Pages 13-17
  55. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 056, Pages 24-27
  56. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 056, Pages 33-34
  57. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 057, Page 2
  58. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 058, Pages 7, 9, 12
  59. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 058, Pages 17-19
  60. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 058, Page 20
  61. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 058, Page 25
  62. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 059, Pages 9-10
  63. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 059, Page 30
  64. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 060, Pages 11-12
  65. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 061, Pages 1-2
  66. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 061, Pages 2-4
  67. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 061, Pages 5-6
  68. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 061, Pages 7-8
  69. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 061, Page 9
  70. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 061, Pages 10-20
  71. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 062, Pages 7-12
  72. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 062, Pages 13-16
  73. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 062, Pages 17-22
  74. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 062, Pages 22-26
  75. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Side Story Chapter 004, Pages 56-58
  76. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Side Story Chapter 004, Page 58
  77. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 1-5
  78. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 6-15
  79. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 11-15
  80. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 15-18
  81. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 18-23
  82. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 23-28
  83. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 063, Pages 28-30
  84. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 064, Pages 12-14
  85. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 064, Pages 15-18
  86. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 065, Pages 1-3, 8-9
  87. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 065, Pages 10-14
  88. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 065, Pages 14-16
  89. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 065, Pages 22-27
  90. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 065, Pages 32-34
  91. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 066, Pages 9-12
  92. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 066, Pages 16-27
  93. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 066, Pages 28-31
  94. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 067, Pages 12-15
  95. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 067, Pages 16-20
  96. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 067, Pages 20-23
  97. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 067, Pages 27-30
  98. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 067, Page 32
  99. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 067, Pages 33-42
  100. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 019, Page 22
  101. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 021, Pages 17-18
  102. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 021, Page 4
  103. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 021, Pages 7-8
  104. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 021, Page 14
  105. 105.0 105.1 Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 021, Page 1
  106. Made in Abyss Anime: Made in Abyss Episode 12
  107. List of Japanese Personal Pronouns
  108. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Volume 03
  109. Theatrical Compilation Film Made in Abyss Part 2 Staff Commentary Notes - Misc
  110. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Volume 05
  111. Tweet
  112. Made in Abyss Cave Raiders Guild Rally
  113. Tweet
  114. Tweet
  115. Tweet
  116. Made in Abyss Manga: Made in Abyss Chapter 062, Pages 23-25
  117. Made in Abyss Movie 2: Wandering Twilight Staff Commentary Notes
  118. Tweet
  119. Tweet
  120. Tweet

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.